Modern Women

How to Tell if You're Pregnant - Modern Women S2 E6

Modern Women

Written by and Starring Chelsea Devantez and Emily Walker. Directed by Tim Paul. Produced by Jeph Porter. Director of Photography Corey Powers. Hair/Makeup by Chloe Hector, Danielle Unick and Jaimie Burger.

By The Second City Network | Apr 29, 2014

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How to Look Good on a Date: Modern Women Season 2 Premiere

How to Look Good on a Date: Modern Women Season 2 Premiere

Written By & Starring: Chelsea Devantez & Emily Walker. Catch up on Modern Women: Season 1 here.

By The Second City Network | Feb 18, 2014

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How to Take A Compliment - Modern Women Episode 7

How to Take A Compliment - Modern Women Episode 7

By The Second City Network | Jun 24, 2013

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How to Take the Perfect Photo - Modern Women Episode 6

How to Take the Perfect Photo - Modern Women Episode 6

Being a lady is complicated. Take a lesson from Chelsea and Emily as they navigate life as modern women.

By The Second City Network | Jun 17, 2013

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How to Dress For A Party - Modern Women Episode 5

How to Dress For A Party - Modern Women Episode 5

Being a lady is complicated. Take a lesson from Chelsea and Emily as they navigate life as modern women.

By The Second City Network | Jun 10, 2013

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How To Date in the 21st Century: Modern Women Episode 4

How To Date in the 21st Century: Modern Women Episode 4

Things have changed on the dating scene. It can be hard to know when to say no.

By The Second City Network | May 27, 2013

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