The Second City Hollywood is proud to support the hundreds of thousands of federal workers currently furloughed as a result of the government shutdown by opening up its doors to those affected. Federal employees with valid government ID are invited to obtain free comedy show tickets and participate in free improvisation workshops beginning this Friday.
“Improv is an art form that was invented to teach disparate points of view to listen to each other, to respond, to adapt, and to learn from abject failure. While there is no one who could benefit more from the improv experience than our current administration, we instead humbly offer the federal workers affected by the shutdown a chance to come join us. It’s a tremendous honor to welcome those who may need a reminder America is still brimming with people looking to take care of each other,” said The Second City’s CEO and Executive Producer, Andrew Alexander.
Eligible performances for this offer include available premium, alumni and house ensemble shows. One ticket per ID, please.